Posts Tagged ‘black women’


Now I’m not the most educated person when it comes to black history, but damn!!! Did I laugh? Yes. But it’s really kind of sad….

So I’ve been doin some thinkin and I’ve come up with my own reason on why relationships these days don’t work out.  Some ppl say it’s cuz ppl move too fast, or they blame everybody else for reason they shit didn’t work out, but the real reason is YOU! YOU being ppl in general are too fuckin selfish. what do I mean by that? Yall get into relationships with the mindset that the other person is supposed to be doin somethin for u. While this may be true, yes they should be doin for u, ask yourself what are u doin for them.  That other person can’t make u happy or none of that other shit u claim u lookin 4 in “love.”

Relationships should be complimentary not supplementary( if u dont know what I mean grab a dictionary lol)  Ppl get so wrapped up in what the other isn’t doin that they lose sight of all the good shit and cause their own turmoil and conflict in their own relationship.

Another thing, which not to sound sexist, but in my opinion is mainly in females, yall judge the status or quality of your relationship based on other ppl whether its friends families or even celebs, which is just stoopid.  this aint no damn Disney movie.  This is real life!

There’s so so much more I want to say, but I’d rather not get into right now.  Bottom line instead of lookin at what the other person isn’t doin for u look and see if u are really being the type of person u’d want for them.  And lastly if u go thru life on concerned about urself, I can guarantee u’ll end up alone all by urself.


Its Funny Cuz Its True!

Posted: December 20, 2011 in Uncategorized
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This shit xtra funny! Mainly because its true!!! LMAO

Check out the original too!